The health of our world is in rapid decline. Our individual decisions are now more important than ever.
ecoRosin has been created to make beautiful music, and leave no footprint on our planet.
For Violin, Viola, and Cello
• Made of Plant-based resins, organic oils and waxes
• Wrapped in 100% Hemp Dew-retted fabric
• Packed in a recycled container to protect your rosin
• Fully Biodegradable ingredients and materials
• Fits in a Vegan lifestyle.
• Estimated carbon emissions offset
The ecoRosin recipes offer a clean and precise bite on the string, with a resonant and open sound. A low-to-medium traction allows for a generous warmth in sonorous playing. The strength of bite on the string is varied in each recipe for Violin, Viola or Cello to suit the differences between the instruments.
What is ecoRosin?
ecoRosin is the newest line of premium rosins, proudly innovated, designed and created in Australia by
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin.
ecoRosin strives to leave a zero footprint on our planet whilst offering string players premium rosin recipes for colourful music making.
ecoRosin uses natural, plant based ingredients and resins, including organic waxes and hemp. ecoRosin uses no animal products and is 100% Vegan.
ecoRosin is biodegradable, will leave no waste, and estimated CO2e emissions are offset through investment in renewable energy projects.
Let’s hear from the creators of ecoRosin for a quick Q&A
Rosin is made of crystallised plant sap, isn’t all rosin already vegan?
“It is common for rosin to include beeswax as a main ingredient. While many people don't consider beeswax an animal product, people following a vegan lifestyle do consider it an animal product to not use. This is because the harvesting of beeswax, even though it is a by-product, takes away from the vitality of the health of the hive. The hexagon structure is created to store the honey, and it also provides protection for the larvae. Without beeswax, there is no healthy hive. In ecoRosin we have replaced beeswax with an organic plant-based wax (which in fact helps to provide an even crisper bite to the beginning of the note!) We have also vetted our resins to make sure they are harvested in a sustainable way. But ‘vegan’ is only one part of the story.”
Isn't rosin biodegradable already?
“The most important components of most rosins that aren't biodegradable are the plastic containers, plastic base plates, and the nylon / synthetic material they are often stuck to. When people discard their used rosin with plastics and synthetics, these end up in landfill - or the ocean - causing damage to the environment. Our focus with ecoRosin was to create a ‘whole package' that is biodegradable. So when you discard it, you could, in effect, bury it in your own garden and it will decompose back to organic elements. Some rosins include oils or synthetic liquid ingredients as well that are nor natural nor organic, and we have achieved a wonderful recipe without any of these.”
The most important environmental impact
“The greatest environmental challenge we all face is climate change, and plastics in our ocean and landfill. These are really what spurred us on to create ecoRosin.
Whilst using organic and plant-based materials is important to environmental sustainability, the key reason we created ecoRosin is to leave no waste behind. Even the carbon emissions created for getting the rosin into your hands are completely offset. The hemp wrap is organic and compostable, the cardboard container is made from SCS certified recycled material, and it is 100% is biodegradable. This also counts for the retail box, that we supply the rosin in, to shops. Even when we ship to distributors and wholesalers in large quantities, we use recycled and curb-side-recyclable insulated packaging. We went so far as sourcing and using a tape on the boxes that is 100% biodegradable ecotape! We offset the carbon emissions from the freight and shipping, as well as from production in our workshop. I believe people should carefully consider which materials anything they buy is made out of, and what impact those have on our ecosystem when discarded.”
How does ecoRosin differ from the Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin range:
“Leatherwood is already quite 'eco'. The timber casing is biodegradeable, as well as the leather wrap. However, the Leatherwood range uses beeswax and of course a leather wrap so the product - as well as the rosin itself - is not vegan. Also elements of the manufacturing process of the Leatherwood rosins and materials used are less eco friendly than the newly designed ecoRosin (such as timber varnish, and the leather tanning process). For this reason, our company is working to become a completely carbon-neutral company. In terms of the rosin, Leatherwood is designed to offer luxurious and hand-crafted rosin, customised recipes, aiming to create a specific sound and response characteristics individual to a player. ecoRosin's recipe is designed to work well for all / most players where possible. It also offers a financially interesting 'entrypoint' into the Leatherwood range, a good step towards the bespoke range.
But to be honest: there is nothing about the playing characteristics that are "not as good" as the original Leatherwood range. It is a great recipe!”
- Andrew Baker - Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin / ecoRosin.