Bespoke Instrument Restoration
If you had a mishap recently, involving a violin, viola, cello or bass, do send us a message as soon as you can. After all… a project you started today finishes a day earlier than a project that will start tomorrow. Whatever the accident or the damage, just click here to go to the contact page.
Perhaps you require a loan instrument whilst yours is looked after? Do you need a detailed damage report for your insurer? We can advise and help you every step of the way.
The small-print:
Cost Estimates: Prior to starting work, we provide a detailed cost estimate for service-, repair- and/or restoration work based on the best possible appraisal of the issues through careful visual inspection (including - if possible - using an endoscope to check for potential issues from the inside). If, after the cost estimate for the work has been agreed and work on your project has commenced, issues do come to light, that we did not or could not anticipate or find evidence of during the visual inspection, then we reserve the right to revise the previous estimate and discuss the next best steps with you.
During extensive years of learning we have worked with many great and world class restorers from all over Europe.
Not only back then, but even now we still remain in close contact with many of them and we discuss ongoing projects. It is like a great co-operation and pooling of knowledge that helps us all forward.
Restorers never stop learning.
Having worked on many different restoration projects and instruments, here below is a small selection of work we managed to snap a quick picture of before the instruments were reunited with their overjoyed owners.
Violin - soundpost patch repair
Cello - neck graft repair
Violin - open centerjoint crack repair
Violin - pegbox-cheek infill patch repair with A-peg crack restoration
Cello - neck button patch repair
Viola - pegbox bushing repair
Cello - bottom bout crack repair
Double Bass - neck shim infill repair
Cello - central woodworm patch repair
Every restoration project is different and every project requires a unique approach. Because of that there are no restoration packages available in the shop. If you have any questions regarding repairs and restoration or specialist musical instrument insurance, just click here to go to the contact page. We offer free advise and can help you every step of the way.