Contact established…


Very nice to meet you. I am Laurentius,
the owner and luthier of Bridge Street Violins.

Thank you so very much for getting in touch.

Grab a cuppa, because I have your message and will get back to you as soon as I can.

That’s a Bridge Street Violins promise!

If you have just contacted us about quoting for a project, here is some small-print:

Cost Estimates: Prior to starting work, we provide a detailed cost estimate for service-, repair- and/or restoration work based on the best possible appraisal of the issues through careful visual inspection (including - if possible - using an endoscope to check for potential issues from the inside). If, after the cost estimate for the work has been agreed and work on your project has commenced, issues do come to light, that we did not or could not anticipate or find evidence of during the visual inspection, then we reserve the right to revise the previous estimate and discuss the next best steps with you.

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